The Yonex RDis 100 comes in both 93 and 100-square-inch frames, with a sweet, thin, flat beam.
Develop the player in you with the Yonex RDiS 100.
I strongly recommend this to a young, developing tennis player that loves to strike the ball with a fast racquet.
If you're strong and you can hang in rallies, try one of these frames.
The 93-square-inch frame plays way more like a 95 or 97, definitely a good first midsize for the serious, tuned player.
Buy it, and take the next step.
Play in the zone.
Specs and write-up are below.
A larger frame (100 sq. in.) than its midsize counterpart, the Yonex RDiS 100 Midplus is great for an all-around player that has good technique.
It's a great option for a strong player that likes a little weight on his/her racquet.
Recommended for all-rounders.
This racquet provides powerful shots and sharp spin with control.
Advanced solid feel at impact is provided by STABILITY TORSION CONTROL.
Headsize: 98
Average Weight 11.5 oz (strung)
Grip Size G2,3,4,5
Length 27.0 in.
Material CS Carbon Nanotube
Nanoscale Elastic Ti
Colour Crystal Red
Recommended String ATG850
Stringing Pattern (main/cross) 16/19
Made in Japan
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