Don't you hate it when you see a player using a racket that won't be released to the public for months?
But don't you love it when it's finally been released, and you're the first kid on the block with the racket?
Here's what we're doing with the release of the Head YOUTEK Speed Series - The Biggest Racket Release Of The Year.
Shipping and Tracking are free.
The Natural Gut Hybrid string job comes free.
So does any string from Head.
Depending on availability, you'll get to choose from:
Babolat Hybrid: VS Natural Gut + Babolat Pro Hurricane Tour
Babolat Hybrid: VS Natural Gut + Synthetic Gut
Head C3 Rocket
Head ETS
Head FXP
Head Intellistring
Head Sonic Pro
Head Synthetic Gut
Head Ultra Tour
Not bad at all.
Get a new racquet and a new string in your life.
You won't go back.
Thanks in advance for playing in the Zone.
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