Friday, November 21, 2008

So Close...

Hello again, and thanks for a great week at the Zone!

We're planning to launch phase 1 of this week, so be ready!

Work has been steady, but at time, we find ourselves spinning our wheels or yelling at each other over creative issues... We're still plugging away though.

In-store pick-up is going to be a great perk for our local customers; you'll be able to reserve and pay from home, and pick up the item whenever you like.

Another cool thing about our site is the video pitches.

We'll really start flooding the site with embeded video in phase 2, but off the bat, we'll have a few videos embedded with the item listings so you can see what we're up to.

We know other companies do this.

We're positive we'll be better at it though.

Professional production and unmatched creativity are going to set us apart.

Stay tuned, and email us anytime at

-Ben of Tennis Zone

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